Bike Choice - What Exactly to Look For

There's no shortage of reasons why people are taking up cycling. There are many that decide to ride bicycles because they are able to save a ton of money on both the price of gas and maintenance costs. Some are 'going green' and taking an active part in trying to help our environment by choosing to ride a bike over a car.

And there are some who like to cycle simply because it is fun. No matter what the reason is for choosing a bicycle, there are some things you should keep in mind before you decide. Choosing the right bicycle is more than just picking the one that's the best looking. Outlined hereafter are some pointers you can take into consideration when going out to buy your bike.

You need to make sure you pick a bike that is the right size. Begin by measuring your inseam. Simply measure through your inner leg from your groin to the bottom of your foot to find out your inseam. You should be able to sit on your bike while keeping both feet flat on the ground. This means that you will be able to stop your bicycle with your feet if the brakes do not work—without having to tilt the bicycle and risk doing harm to it and to yourself.

Take 9" away from the total of your inseam if you plan to get a road bike. The size of the tires a road bike uses are the reason for this. These tires will be thinner and designed for efficiency on concrete roads or pavements. If you are looking for a mountain bike, you will want to subtract about a foot (twelve inches) from your inseam measurement. Again this is to account for the size of tires. These tires are designed to handle rocky and jagged terrain so are therefore thicker. Mountain bikes can travel on city pavement but that is not what they are designed to do.

The number of gears you’ll use will also affect your choice. If you plan to ride in rocky or mountainous areas, you’ll need more gears than riding on flat land. You can’t evaluate the bike only by the number of gears it has. You may never even get around to using all the available gears. It’s a waste of money to pay for all those unused gears. Find out where you’ll ride your bike, especially if this is your main vehicle, and make sure you have enough gears to handle the areas through which you will travel.

When purchasing a bicycle, you have tons to consider. You have over here innumerable decisions to make as you choose how safe a bike to buy, as well as one that is pleasing to the eye. If you don’t have a lot of experience with cycling bicycles, you will probably feel overwhelmed and insecure as you start your shopping. The good news is that, with a little research, you can make a very informed decision about which bicycle is best for you.

Look up some of your choices before you hit the store. It’s the best answer for easier shopping.

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